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Coercive Control Forum

The Upstream Educator takes you upstream to stop victims of abuse, falling in, and ensure effective strategies are available to survivors who find themselves swept up in the rapids of family violence. 

Upstream is a collective of Facilitators who provide bespoke and specialist training that deepens the understanding of coercive control, abusive behaviours, the solutions and strategies – not just best practice.  This is not an information sharing session, and goes beyond ‘awareness raising’.


“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.”

 – Desmond Tutu


We unpack the legislation, demonstrate through case studies and point out the challenges faced by Case Workers, Police and Services in gathering evidence, mapping incidents and impact, the importance of carefully worded orders for both protection and recovery. 

Our Next Coercive Control Forum is Port Macquarie. 

WHY? Regional NSW reports a significant higher incidents of domestic violence, identified in research due to the ‘tolerance’ of abuse, limited resources for support, fears of significant displacement from community and support network. 

28th Febraury 2028

8.30am – 4pm

The Westport Club, 25 Bullers Street Port Macquarie

Click on the image for ticktets. $85.


With changes in legislation and new laws, frontline workers are demanding access to information, education and pathways that respond to new frontiers of tech abuse, non fatal strangulation, sexual harassment and violence, child abuse, protection and recovery, online harms, frauds and scams. 

It is unrealistic and unreasonable to expect the spectrum of first responders from prevention through to recovery, to be across every aspect of family violence. It is a lattice of complex issues and concerns, limited by policies and government funding.  So Upstream Educators hope to create an ever expanding calendar of training, education and workshops that transfers the evidence based research, knowledge, success and intelligence of organisations through the lens of lived experience.

The community response requires a community approach to the crimes that are happening in their clients homes and workplaces. To often the impact is being perpetuated by services, products and platforms that have capacity to weaponise the vulnerability of a victim who has or is experiencing domestic abuse and violence. 

This forum is for all members of a community, including business groups and industries, sporting and recreations clubs who will need to update their Family Violence Policy, Referral to Services Data Base and Workplace induction, education and training manuals.

This forum is for front line workers, interested professionals, businesses and organisations who provide

  • client support,

  • assistance,

  • guidance,

  • direction,

  • referrals and

  • recovery services

to those experiencing Domestic Abuse including intimate, personal, domestic, family and sexual violence.

We combines the expertise of active leaders whom many of have lived experience, and advocates in an interactive, immersive and education forum.

It is the practical, thought provoking conversations and presentations that explore a world without violence against women and children, without harmful and abusive behaviours.

It is the innovative workshops that breakdown the new definitions of abusive behaviour, and the discuss the strategies that will end violence against women, protection children, hold perpetrators accountable for their intentions that cause harm, suffering and fear.

It shares the raw and real accounts of victims who have survived the harms, abuse, neglect and violence at the hands of those who claim to love and protect them.

It is the space where programs and pilots can build trauma informed practices that identify the needs of the survivor for protection and recovery, with a response that does not victim blame, pathologise or dismiss the trauma they have been subjected to.  

It is the place to meet authors of research, network with like minded colleagues and learn the elements of coercive control and the impacts upon those experiencing this type of abuse.

It’s a place to gain a better understanding of language used, terms referenced and narratives adopted by the sector, professions and systems created to support and intervene those impacted by coercion. 

It continues the legacy of those who have been murdered and killed by someone who claimed to have cared for and loved them.

This forum is the done for your solution in your local area, addressing the needs of your community, building stronger pathways of recovery. Whether you choose a session, half day, full day or 2 day forum, the Upstream Educator will bring you the information and resources you need at a fixed cost. With established funding, some of our sessions are completely free. We provide lived experts with Paid Participation fees and ensure your training and professional development sessions are relevant and tax deductible.

The governments of the nation, state and territories have chosen not to fund the response needed to change systems, processes and agencies that protect women and children from the disproportionate violence they experience and the social inequity well founded in research. So we are building them and streamlining access to the right support at the time they need it.

We are able to host and coordinate Forums in regions for multi services or if you would like to organise inhouse training please email upskill@upstreameducator.com.au


Start 8.30am

Finish 4.00pm

BOOK YOUR TICKET: Pay with ease via Visa using the location images above.

These forums are tailored to the time available, budgets and keynote speaker availability including case studies and venue. 

To attend you just need to purchase a ticket to the forum and show up.

If you can’t attend, we will make alternative arrangements for future invitations to an area near you or inhouse sessions. 

The Coercive Control Forum

  • Welcome to Country
  • Legacy of Lisa Harnum, Partnering with the Lisa Harnum Foundation 
  • Legal Breakdown of Coercive Control – Sharon Wilkinson (Lawyer, formerly with NSW Police)
  • Lived Experience Presenter – Gabrielle Morrissey, Skaie Hull
  • Case Studies Workshop – Sharon Wilkinson
  • Coercive Control research summaries – Sophie Wheeler, Dr Kelly Lewer
  • Immersive Awareness of Tech Abuse and Coercion – Paula Smith
  • Questions and Contributions
  • Catering Provided
  • Workbook and Resources

This training and professional development is a closed session for

  • Health Practitioners including GP’s, Sexual Violence, Emergency, and Pregnancy and Birth
  • Police and Child Protection Investigators
  • Psychologists, Counsellors, Wellbeing Coaches
  • Legal and Justice Practitioners, Family Law Specialists, Mediators and Educators
  • Womens Domestic and Family Violence Services, Housing, Acute and Recovery Care
    Banking, Insurance, Mortgage Brokers
  • Real Estate Agents, Business Chambers and Hospitality Organisations
  • Disability Service Providers and Workers
  • CALD and CALM Service Providers
  • First Nations Service Providers
  • Ageing Australian Service Providers
  • Local Council, Councillors, Services Coordinators
  • Educators, Teachers, Principals
  • Media, Sporting Organisations and Policians
  • Small Business Owners, Company Directors and Human Resource Managers

We will also being providing an introduction to

  • Financial and Economic Abuse,
  • ADVO’s, Protection and Recovery Orders
  • Online and Tech Facilitated Abuse,
  • Non Fatal Strangulation,
  • Social Media Risk and Resilience
  • Gender and Disaster Training
  • Trauma Informed Practices
  • Wellbeing, Mental Health and Pathologising Trauma Responses
  • DV Suicide Awareness and Prevention (2024)
  • Nuanced Challenges of women and their children

You will be provided with sector resources and information that is intended for those who support people experiencing violence, abusive and coercive control.

We intend to create a safe space, that is free of judgement, but open to opinions and beliefs whilst respecting the decisions of all.